Hafele will once again sponsor our Member Showcase at their showroom at 25 East 26th Street on the north side of Madison Square Park. The evening will feature three speakers chosen for their unique retail design diversity.
Martin Roberts, of Martin Roberts Design, will discuss East Coast vs. West Coat style trends and differences. Mr. Roberts is extremely well known in our industry and has created many of the designs for retailers we know.
Grace Daly, Executive Director of Facilities and Construction Conferences, has an enviously long retail resume. She will answer the question on each of our minds, “Where are the present and future opportunities for retail professionals?”
Mark Grund, Strategic Account Manager of Mannington Inc., will focus on the surprising resurrection of vinyl flooring. Now called Luxury Vinyl Tiles (LVT’s), Mark will address the new technology which creates the better visuals and superior performance in the newest LVT marketplace.
Finally, our perennial host, Hafele, will take the floor, which they have not done in the past! Hafele will present their latest offering, LED lighting. This category of products is a departure for Hafele, which is known for their vast diversity in fixture hardware, architectural hardware, security systems and many more products to numerous to mention here.